Passion … Have you lost your Passion for life?

Do you wake up dreading the day?  Dreading your job?  Dreading the humdrum of daily life?  Have you taken time to listen within to see what you feel passionate about?  Or maybe you used to feel passionate about something but responsibility and practicality have taken over.  Possibly you are expecting to still feel passionately about something and you are a different person now.  

Passion can stretch across several areas of our life … our career, our personal life, our relationship.  While contentment is a beautiful thing.  Just like every other aspect of life a balance will always be best.  Balance between feeling content … (I like to view it more as present and grateful) … and feeling passionate.  While not every day and every task is going to be filled with passion and excitement (well it hasn’t yet … who’s to say it won’t happen someday… I suppose that’s a mindset as well.  I’m sure there are some people who can make cleaning the toilet an enjoyable task!)  I would like to encourage you to consider if you are just going along.  Do you really feel called to do the work you’re doing?  Do you feel inspired to do the work you’re doing?  However, I do believe that sometimes our job serves another purpose at certain points in our life (this doesn’t mean that it will always be that way).  I truly am grateful for all my previous work experience.  I feel that I learned sooooo many lessons that prepared me for who I am today and for the journey ahead.  I also feel that a job can sometimes provide you the funding and security that you need to pursue another dream. 

Maybe it’s not work … maybe it’s your personal life or a relationship.  Passion is something that may require some effort on our part.  We may need to communicate what we want.  We may need to try to incorporate some things into our life or adjust our      

There are many ways to live passionately!  Maybe it’s through a creative endeavor, volunteer work, career, relationships.  I give you permission to look within and find what excites you!

- Amanda