This week I wanted to talk a little bit about our emotions and how our emotions also have an energetic frequency. We talked last week about thoughts and how our thoughts have an energetic frequency. But our emotional states also have an energetic frequency. So, there is a nice detail a nice image that I can share with you in this post if you'd like in the comments that shows the work of Dr. David Hawkins, and he mapped out the energetic frequency of many emotions. It's really interesting to see that shame is actually the lowest at 20 Hertz, and it goes all the way up to enlightenment (700+ Hertz). Up at the top you have love, peace, joy, gratitude, and down at the bottom in the lower frequencies are: shame, guilt, fear, and anger.
In terms of the law of attraction we need to consider what we're sending out into the world. If we are operating in the lower frequencies ... If that's the energetic frequency that we're sending out, then that's what we will be attracting back into our lives. Just like our thoughts that we talked about. The same applies here. The more that we can bring this to our conscious awareness, the more control we have to choose, choose a new thought, and then encourage that new emotion to emerge. Some emotions, like gratitude, can be extremely powerful. I was even reading that the gratitude, if you can sustain that gratitude for long periods, can actually go up to the one of the highest frequencies, even surpassing love and peace. Gratitude can be a really powerful practice if you're ready to start changing your energetic frequency and uplifting yourself.
Another great place to start is bringing that joy back into our lives. Joy and peace are up at the top of the vibrational frequency scale. So, how can we show more love to ourselves and to others? How can we bring in more peace and joy into our lives? So for myself I started making a list. I had been so disconnected with joy. I think that I couldn't remember really or maybe never discovered what really brought me joy. So as things come up, as I think about it more deeply, I'm like, Oh yes, that brings me joy.
This week, try to make a list of joy, peace, and maybe some ideas for love. Also, consider starting that gratitude practice ... maybe making it more of an everyday thing. The gratitude practice that I really love is recognizing those micro-moments in every single day that we become accustomed to, that we sometimes take for granted. This was based on a book called 1,000 gifts. The author had challenged herself to write down 1,000 things that she was grateful for. So as you can imagine it went well beyond those major things in our lives, but went into recognizing those small moments that we may miss ... those things that children are so good at noticing. Like how a rainbow forms on a soap bubble in your sink ... noticing how the snow looks covering the branches in winter ... the sound of a crackling fire.
Noticing those moments cause you to slow down and be rooted in the moment, so there is no better practice for mindfulness. Recognizing these beautiful moments that are all around us help us remain in that high vibration of gratitude. Therefore, bringing in more high vibrational experiences ... those positive experiences ... those opportunities that we want to see in our lives. Please check out the attached image that shows the frequency of each of the emotions, as measured by Dr David Hawkins.