How Reiki Supports our Energetic Body

This month we've been focusing on the energetic system of our body, including the chakra system, the seven main chakras that run down the midline of our body. We reviewed what they govern and how we might know if there's an imbalance in our system somewhere. We discussed how we would know if one of the chakras is underactive, or blocked, or if one of them is overactive. So now I'd like to talk a little bit about how Reiki can help with our energetic system. There's this energy running through all things. If there is something that's off in that system, then we will see some symptoms ... emotional symptoms or physical symptoms.

The first way that Reiki can help with this is helping to clear out any negative energy that you've collected. This might be familiar situation for a lot of people, where you enter a room and you can just feel the tension, you can tell that someone just had an argument there. You go to a really crowded place and there's just so many people and you can feel all of their feelings and all of their energy that's there. We collect that throughout our day and when you return home in the evening, you can really feel that heaviness and sometimes you can feel worn down. Some people who are very sensitive and empathic can feel other people's emotions. Maybe you even feel sad or feel upset and you're not really even sure why. You might not have any specific thing that you can link it to. With the incredible stress that we've been under this last year, the collective energy can be really heavy and really difficult for us to sometimes take in. So Reiki can help by clearing out some of that energy and resetting our system so that it's just you and your energy.

A second way that Reiki can help with our energetic system is by addressing the root underlying causes of some of our symptoms. So, we may be having back pain or knee pain or some other physical symptom, and we may not be linking it to something that happened years ago. Either there was a physical trauma or emotional trauma or some stressful event was going on, and sometimes it can be stored in our body. We just keep it with us so we keep functioning at the surface level, but underneath there's this underlying energy that's still there from that event. For example surgery can be a traumatic event for the person and the body. Even though you may feel like you are over it and you're not worried about it, your body still went through a really difficult period, so it can help to clear out some of that as well.

Another way that it can help with your energetic system is really giving your body that time and space to rest and rebalance and restore. We need to give our body that time to get the parasympathetic nervous system activated. That's where it does healing work and does its restoring. So by giving yourself that time and space to enter into that rest and digest mode, that's when your body can do its healing, healing physically and emotionally.

Lastly, Reiki can help with our energetic system by refreshing and filling us up with this loving light energy, and that's what I can, as I'm performing a session, feel passing through me. I can actually feel that rush of energy. There are certain sessions that are for clearing out and then more that seem to be focused on filling up. So that's why I really love the cumulative sessions. Over several sessions, you may see that you feel a little bit more refreshed and light and balanced when you leave. I do find that over time, there's layers that we're addressing. So I hope that this helps answer a little bit more of your questions about Reiki and how Reiki can help with our energetic system.

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