effects of stress on the body

Stress Stored in our Body

Our stress can be stored in our bodies and if this is not addressed if it's not released, then this can lead to those long term health effects such as illnesses, pain or other ailments that begin to develop or persist. This can include physical stress. For example, this could be a physical incident, such as where you were involved in an accident or suffered an injury of some sort or your body underwent surgery. This can also involve other emotional stress that we encounter such as a specific instance or the long term day to day stress that begins to build up.

I find it very interesting to consider two different things when you're talking about this stored stress in our bodies. The first one is looking at the chakra system, our energetic system. We have seven main chakras that run down the midline of our body and if you're looking at a certain area that you're having issues with, for instance, if you're having digestive issues, you can look at the solar plexus chakra, and the associated emotional areas that it governs. So for the solar plexus, that's where where our personal power is held, our self esteem and our self worth. So, if you're having those digestive issues, you may consider looking at those emotional counterparts, and seeing if some work that can be done in those areas. That goes for all the other areas as well. If you're interested and you'd like some more information, please let me know and I can send information to you about what area chakra covers. Sometimes you'll see a connection between that physical ailment that you're experiencing, and maybe you will recognize that there's some work to be done on the emotional side as well.

Then the other area that I'd like you to consider is looking at the time in your life when this ailment began. Was there an incident or some major stress that you were under when it began? Then maybe looking into working through that issue.

Lastly, I'd like you to consider energy work as a piece of that puzzle ... a piece to the puzzle of the healing process. So, I would love to help you in that area, but I want to first say that I'm not a mental health professional. First, I'd like to make sure that that is covered for you. If there are any emotional stressors or any traumas that you're dealing with, that you have the appropriate support in that area. But there also can be the energetic piece where some of this stress, some of this trauma maybe being stored in your body. Energy work can help to release that ... to help stuck energy, that toxic energy, be released from your body, making room for more positive energy to come in ... making room for more of what you want to receive into your life and help you to move forward and away from some of that stress that you want to let go of.

I encourage you to really start thinking about these physical ailments and realizing that we don't have to accept always not feeling well. We can look at putting all the pieces together to help with our healing and help move us forward.