energetic body

The Chakra System

Today I’d like to talk to you about our energetic body. Over the past couple months we've been talking about our physical bodies and our mental and emotional bodies. We discussed how our emotions and our thought patterns all have an energetic frequency to them. Our energetic body consists of many things, but one of the main components is the chakra system. So chakras are our main energy centers that are located along the midline of our body, and they run along the line of the vagus nerve, which is the main nerve of our body. I find that very interesting that there's an acknowledgement of the energetic effect on our physical body and our physical well being. The vagus nerve innervates all the organs of our body and that also is something that we'll see in the patterns of our chakra centers. Each chakra will correspond with a physical part of our body as well as the emotional side. Today I wanted to just talk a little bit about each of them and what they govern ... what are the areas that they oversee.

So, the first chakra, the root chakra, is at the base of our spine. It is represented by the color red. This deals with our safety, stability, connection to nature, and connection to our tribe. Financial security would be under this this chakra as well. So, if we're seeing any disturbances in any of those areas there may be blockages in our root chakra.

Next is our sacral chakra, which is represented by the color orange. It is located right below the belly button. This center involves our creativity , our passion, and our sexuality. This is our birthing center ... birthing literally or birthing ideas and and projects. Each chakra also has a physical area that you could see some disturbances in if they aren't functioning. In Sacral Chakra we're talking about the organs of reproductive organs.

Then we have our solar plexus chakra, which is represented by the color yellow. It is located right above the belly button, and physically it governs our digestive system. The emotional counterpart deals with our personal power, our self esteem or self worth. You may see someone who's struggling with self worth ... struggling with self esteem, will also have issues with their digestion.

The next is our heart chakra, represented by the color green, and located at the heart center. This is our love center ... self love ... love for others ... giving and receiving love. It involves feeling worthy of love, easily letting our guard down and letting people love us freely and giving love to others without fear.

The next is our throat chakra, and is represented by the color blue. This area involves our true expression of ourselves ... the genuine, authentic expression of us. It involves speaking up for ourselves ... holding boundaries that we need for our well being. Expressing our true selves is the key there. Speaking up when we need to and not always biting our tongue and keeping the peace. Physically this chakra governs the structures of the throat (i.e. thyroid, etc.).

The next is the third eye chakra, located between the eyebrows, and that is represented by the color indigo. This centers around our intuition, that's is ... trusting ourselves, trusting that what we have inside of us, trusting the messages that we hear, trusting our gut instincts. Physically this area governs the pituitary gland, eyes, head, and lower part of the brain.

The last is our crown chakra, that's our seventh chakra, up at the crown of our head, and it's represented by the color violet or white. It is our connection to the divine, our connections to Universal Consciousness ... to God. It is that connection to divine and feeling connected, feeling like there's that communication.

So those are our seven main chakras, that run the midline of our body. The idea is that we want all of these to be functioning as a system. We want the energy to be flowing through the whole system without any impediment, without any blockage. What you'll see, it's like the circulatory system where we want our blood to flow freely through all of our veins. It's the same concept with our energetic system. We want this energy flowing through our body to promote optimal wellness. If there any blockages, if there's an area that we're not taking care of, then that's when we'll see some manifestations of physical or emotional unwellness.

If you have any questions about the energetic system please let me know!

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