imbalance in energy

Symptoms of an Imbalance in the Chakra System

Last time we spoke, we spoke about the our energetic system (The Chakra System) of our body. We talked about the seven main chakras that run down the midline of our body, and they are just another level of our body. We have our physical body, our emotional, mental and our energetic body. I think that we oftentimes underestimate how much of an impact our life force energy has on our lives. Today I'd like to talk about how we can know if there is an imbalance in our energetic system. So that's the ultimate goal ... to be balanced. Ideally we want each of our chakras to be spinning freely with no blockages. Often if there is a blockage, if one of our chakras is blocked or underactive, it can throw off the whole system and can cause another chakra to be overactive. You'll see different symptoms when they're over or under active, but ultimately we want them all flowing freely, the whole system working as one, working as a whole. Today I'd like to go through each of the chakras and talk about some symptoms (physical and or emotional symptoms) that you may see in your body if you have an imbalance in that chakra.

So, first we have number one, our root chakra down at the base of our spine. For this chakra, some of the symptoms of an imbalance you may see are: financial worry, some stress over money, not feeling connected to others, difficulty with the male reproductive organs (if you're a male), the prostate, and/or constipation.

Next is the sacral chakra, which is the, the second chakra right under our navel. Symptoms you may see if there is an imbalance in this chakra are: issues with the female reproductive organs, difficulty with hip, pelvic, or lower back pain, urinary problems or kidneys issues, lack of passion for anything. Also, you may have sexual or reproductive health issues, difficulty expressing your emotions or desires ... since this is the center for our passion, creativity, and sexuality.

The next chakra is our solar plexus, which is our third chakra. That is located in our abdominal area right above our belly button. So, because of its location, you may see difficulties with digestion, any digestive issues, problems with pancreas or gallbladder, and issues with fatigue. Also, you may have a strong fear of rejection or be overly critical of yourself and have a really poor self image. This center deals with our personal power, confidence, and self esteem.

The next is our heart, our fourth chakra. Symptoms of an imbalance in this area include: upper back, shoulders, arm and wrist pain. You may have issues with jealousy, with being overly clingy in relationships, or have a fear of being alone. Also, you may experience difficulty letting others in (difficulty receiving love).

Next is our throat chakra, the fifth chakra. An imbalanced throat chakra may show symptoms of: issues with the thyroid, issues with sore throats, ear infections, neck and shoulder pain. Emotionally you may have a fear of not being in control of things, you may have difficulty expressing yourself (specifically, expressing your truth, what's truly inside your heart and what you really think).

Then there is our third eye chakra, which is the sixth chakra. Physically you may see headaches, you may see sinus pain, or any sinus issues. In terms of emotional symptoms, you may have difficulty trusting yourself (frequently looking outside of yourself for answers), or have frequent moodiness.

Lastly, there is our crown chakra, at the top of our head, our seventh chakra. If there is an imbalance here you may see, lack of inspiration, you might feel a sense of isolation or separation from others, and also may have some learning difficulties.

So those are the main seven chakras and signs that they may be out of balance ... signs that you may need to address your energetic system in some way. So I encourage you to just consider your energetic system, consider if your energy is a little off, if you're a little unbalanced in some ways. I would love for you to reach out if you have any further questions about this.