reticular activating system

Thoughts are Energy

We have been talking previously about energy in terms of the physical body and physical wellness. Now I'd like to shift a little bit to talking about how energy can help with our mental wellness and emotional wellness. So everything is made of energy ... our thoughts are energy and therefore have an energetic frequency attached to them. If we want to bring good things into our life (i.e. good experiences, good opportunities), we need to have those thoughts that are a match for that. We need high vibrational thoughts that are a match for those high vibration experiences that we want to bring into our lives. That's the first way that thoughts can be really powerful. When we're constantly thinking these negative thoughts (i.e. thoughts of self-doubt, worrying thoughts, thoughts projecting the negative possibilities), then that's the vibration we're operating at and therefore unconsciously bringing in those low vibration experiences that we don't want in our life. Unfortunately, creating this loop now where we're being validated that these bad things always happen to us. If we want to take control of our lives then that's where we need to start ... with our thoughts. Everything starts with a thought. Everything that's ever been created, starts with a thought. So, if we want to create the life that we want ... we want to create happiness ... we want to create good experiences. Then we need to start with those thoughts. The scary part is that data shows that the majority of our thoughts are negative, and they're on this unconscious loop in our mind. So, to take control and be back in control, we need to have, choose a conscious thought to replace with.

Secondly, our thoughts are powerful in that we can create a filter through which we see our life. This is also a scientific concept that there is a component to our brain that is called the reticular activating system. This is a bundle of nerves that are located at the base of our brainstem, and its job is to filter out all the unnecessary information so that we can zero in on what we're focusing on. If we are consciously choosing these high vibration positive thoughts, then our brain is going to help us filter out and focus on finding those good opportunities ... finding those high vibration experiences. If we want those good experiences, it's going to start with our thoughts. It's going to start with us taking control and consciously choosing positive thoughts. This is something that I need to remind myself of frequently because the unconscious habit is is so ingrained in us that it does take some reminding.

I'm hoping that this today can serve as a reminder to get back in those habits of you CHOOSING your thoughts. I think sometimes we can be influenced by those around us, (because their thoughts and their feelings have energy that they're sending out). So we need to be careful that we're not taking on those by those frequencies from others. the news that we watch the, the movies. I'd like to encourage you to be careful about what we surround ourselves with ... the people that we surround ourselves with, the type of media that we consume.

I'd like to encourage you for this week (and hopefully forever), is to choose a positive, conscious thought that you're going to have running through your mind this week and see what happens. I think you'd be surprised. One that I really love is, "Everything always works out for me." That phrase can apply to so many different situations, in so many different ways. The great part is that we don't have to have it all figured out. We have this support system, we have the universe conspiring with us, that is waiting to help us. So, let's just put that out there ... "Everything always works out for me." Another simple, but powerful statement is, "I deserve good things." I think so often, we have this underlying worthiness problem at the at the root of a lot of our issues. Let's get into that frame of mind ... "I deserve good things", because we all do. Remembering the power of our thoughts, the power of being in control and consciously choosing our positive thoughts. Give one of those three (or your own) a try! Your reticular activating system will be looking for all those opportunities ... all those times that things are working out for you, and you'll continue to prove that to yourself.