This is my opportunity to do better ...

As I sit here on a plane headed for home, I stop as we momentarily pass through a cloud.  Vision temporarily obstructed … the pilot must trust … I hold my breath … I must trust that we will emerge unscathed on the other end.  As we pass through there are bumps … the pilot knows that these bumps come with the territory of passing through a cloud.  As we are experiencing extreme distress in our world right now we don’t know what the future holds.  We are experiencing extreme turbulence in our world.  As we pass through this “cloud” … we need to trust … we need to unite.  While our vision of our physical reality is temporarily obstructed, we need to turn inward to dream … to imagine.  Imagine the reality we need to see.  Imagine our future.  Imagine the world we want for our children and all the future generations.  Let us dream big and then take action.  I am uncertain of what that may mean for each of us.  But as long as we unite together and act from a place of unconditional love and a genuine place of wanting to learn, we can’t go wrong.  I won’t pretend to know the answers.  I may not say all the right things or do all the right things.  But I will try.  I will educate myself and my children.  This is my opportunity to do better.