Identifying our Physical Needs

We have many layers to our body. I think that the first step is definitely starting with our physical body. It's right here, we can touch it and it is with us at all times. Getting to know our bodies and getting to listen to our bodies can be a really powerful first step to wellness, and more specifically identifying our physical needs. So, what does our body need? It sounds like a simple concept but I think there's many of us who haven't even considered that we have needs. I had gotten really good at ignoring all the signals, ignoring what my body needed, and maybe not even considering what I needed. I think we often are caught up in what's the responsible thing to do, what does everyone else want to do, what would be the easiest, what would be most convenient ... but not necessarily thinking about what we need. In terms of physical there are some things that are actual needs. We need food, we need water, but let's get more specific with ourselves in terms of how often we need to eat and what makes our body feel good. How much water do you really need? And are you planning for that? Are you planning for those those times to eat? Are you planning for that water intake?

So I challenge you to start really identifying what you need. So you can even keep a running list on your fridge or in your phone. Whatever works for you but starting to really think about it. Some of the things might surprise you. So for me, I definitely need warmth in some way or form. Cold feels like pain to me, so I need to plan for that I need to make sure I have the appropriate weather wear. So these are things that we can do for ourselves. What are the other needs that you have to make your physical body feel well? I also know that sometimes I need quiet. So I need to plan in that section of quiet time that's apart from other people in order for me to decompress, to restore and reset. If I ignore that need then I will have the consequences that follow. Depending on what physical need we're ignoring it could be irritability, illnesses, that rundown feeling, or that tired feeling. Inevitably it will catch up with us. I think we try to convince ourselves that we can do it all and that we can push through it. We almost wear it like a badge of honor. That we can keep pushing, that we can make it without, that we can keep pushing through pain, or keep pushing through this or that. But, you know, isn't really a badge of honor. I think for myself I've come to realize it it's more honorable to take care of ourselves enough so that we are full. That way we can serve the way that we know we were meant to, we can be the role model that we want to be, we can be proud of ourselves at the end of the day, and we can feel good about what we did.

So I would love to encourage you to work on that. Keep a running list, and anything that pertains to your physical well being can go on there. This is our first step to really planning in things for ourselves that we need. Look for things around your eating, drinking, your physical sensations (i.e warmth).

Remember that it is okay to want to feel good and we are supposed to feel good every day. So hopefully you do well with this! I wish you luck! Let's do this ... let's start to get in tune with our bodies and start to really know what we need.