

Ever have one of those periods where you just feel like you're in a slump?  Things are not feeling quite right ... you're feeling down ... you're feeling constantly overwhelmed?  I had one of those times recently and here's what I tried...

Gratitude!  I really tried to address each of those moments of stress (sadness, anger...) and flip my mindset to that of gratitude.  Instead of feeling stressed about all the decisions I had to make I tried to view it from a point of gratefulness for all the options that I had.  I tried to remind myself that others may not have the options that I was faced with.  This mindset can really work in any situation from small to big.  For example, instead of feeling overwhelmed with the amount of laundry we have to do we can try to flip the mindset to being grateful that we are able to provide all these clothes for our family.  

Additionally, this can be applied to larger events in our life.  As I look back now on some challenging life events I am grateful that I had those experiences to push me towards moving my life in a more positive, healthy direction.  I feel grateful for the lessons it taught me and how it helped me to discover myself on a deeper level.  At the time of those tragic events it feels as if you're drowning and you may not make it out.  But believe me there is another side and it can be a beautiful place to be.  

So if you're having one of those moments or periods of time where you feel stuck...down...overwhelmed... try flipping your mindset to gratitude!  It can be an instant mood changer and give some perspective.  When you start being grateful for everything you have, the people you are surrounded with and your circumstances you will start to realize how full your life really is!
