
Needs: Dig deeper … Express more clearly … Let down our defenses

Did you ever have one of those arguments with someone where you quickly go to blaming?  Blaming the other for all the things they didn’t do for you … or ways they didn’t make you feel?  This is the time for us to stop and think about how in tune we are with our needs and how well we are expressing them?

I encourage you to take some time to be still and reflect on your needs and how you can better express them.  Sit or lay comfortably … close your eyes … start by placing your hands over your root chakra (base of your spine) and take a quiet moment to reflect on what some of your physical needs are.  Make sure to have pen and paper nearby to document what you discover.  Next, place your hands over your heart chakra (heart) and tune in to what some of your emotional needs are.  

Now on a daily basis are you structuring your day or effectively advocating so that most, if not all of these needs are being met.  

Sometimes when we feel let down we may default to the “I don’t need anyone” or “I can do it all myself”.  Maybe just because we CAN do it all doesn’t mean we “HAVE” to do it all ourselves.  Maybe just because we don’t NEED anyone doesn’t mean we can’t WANT to lean on others or share life with someone.  Maybe both of those statements are a defense mechanism for self-protection.  If we don’t let anyone in or don’t rely on anyone then they can’t disappoint us.  

Do you find yourself trying to do it all and then mad when you are left to do it all?  Maybe we need to dig deeper … express more clearly … and let down our defenses.  

Do you consider what you need?

Are you setting yourself up for success?

Does it make sense to be upset with someone else for not meeting your needs if you don’t have a clear idea of what they are and/or haven’t clearly expressed them?

- Amanda