
Here’s What My Haircut Reminded Me … Declutter Your Life

So I was finally able to go get a haircut.  It had been months and I was not feeling like myself.  When I came out of the salon I had this free feeling.  I felt lighter, like I had shed layers that were not “me”.  I felt like I was “ME” again.  I felt that I was more aligned with who I am and the style I feel drawn to.  

This got me thinking about decluttering in all areas of my life.  What if we applied this concept to all areas of our lives including our mental space, physical space and digital space.  Let go of old layers that no longer align with our true self.  

I recently began the mammoth task of decluttering my email inbox.  It had gotten out of control.  When I looked at the number of unread emails I knew I needed to take action (and get to the bottom of why there were so many I didn’t even open).  It was pretty eye opening when I realized that I had cluttered up my inbox and ultimately my mind with other people’s opinions.  I was looking outside of myself for the answers.  The flurry of unsubscribing and deleting that followed was extremely freeing and rewarding.  I cleared space for my own intuition to be heard.  I unsubscribed from anyone that didn’t FEEL in alignment with my true self.  It was an amazing way to evaluate where I want to be heading and to make space for me to look inward.  

I found a similar experience when decluttering my physical space.  When going through my physical things I asked myself who I wanted to be and what I wanted my life to look like.  This was an incredible perspective to approach this task with as it really helped with letting go of things that did not align with where I wanted to go.  During this decluttering we can evaluate the energy behind why we are keeping certain items.  Are we keeping items out of guilt?  Out of a lack mindset?  

All of these things together can help us clear the mental clutter that is taking up space and making it harder to hear our own intuition.  What else is cluttering up your mind?  What are those negative thought patterns that are continually running through your mind that no longer align with who you want to be or the goals you are reaching for?  These thoughts become beliefs that we hold as true and they limit us from growing and achieving.  When we can bring these beliefs to the level of awareness and process through these to release - we can be free … lighter … and more aligned with our true selves. 

Let go what everyone else wants and their opinions.  Let go of things we are holding onto out of guilt or obligation.  Let go of the previous phase of our life so we can step into the next.  Let go of the limiting beliefs that are holding you back.  

Let’s clear out … shed layers… realign with our true selves.

If you would like to start the process of identifying the limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck check out my Free Resources section to get your worksheet.