raise your vibration

The "Just Fold it in" Series: Raising Your Vibration

Hey everyone it's Amanda and I'm back this week with another update to the, "Just Fold it in" series. So that's what I've been calling this series, where I'm defining more clearly some spiritual terms that are used often, but I find are often left kind of hanging and left not clearly defined. I'm calling it the, "Just Fold it in" series (for anyone who's not familiar), there's a tv series called Schitt's Creek, and the mother and adult son are making a recipe together. The mother just keeps telling him to "Just fold it in" and he doesn't know what she means and she doesn't know what it means either, so she just keeps saying, "Just fold it in". So that's what I'm relating to these spiritual terms that people keep repeating but not always necessarily knowing exactly what they mean. So far in this series, we have covered grounding and clearing your energy. If you've missed those you can look back in the other previous videos. Also, this week I wanted to add in, "raise your vibration". I think that's another term that gets thrown out there a lot in the spiritual world.

So what exactly does this mean? We have to remember that we're all energy ... everyone is energy, everything is made up of energy. Everything and everyone has its own vibrational frequency that it is emitting out into the world and that they're operating in. This can fluctuate and change, which is the good news, that we have some control over our energetic frequency and state. So, when we're in a high vibrational state, this can be described as light and easy, and peaceful. However, when in a lower vibrational state, this will feel heavier, darker and feels more difficult and stuck. When we're finding ourselves in those lower vibrational frequencies, this is a time for us to raise our vibration. So, what can we do now, when we realize that we're in this lower vibrational energy? What can we do now to raise our vibration?

One of the best ways to raise your vibration is through, gratitude. At the top of the emotional frequency chart is gratitude. It is one of the top emotions on the scale. So, if we can catch ourselves in those moments where we're feeling in that lower vibrational frequency and flip our thoughts to gratitude in the moment or implement a routine practice of gratitude at a certain time each day, we can immediate raise our vibrational frequency. I really like the book, 1000 gifts, where the author speaks about noticing all the things throughout daily life that we have to be grateful for ... all those beautiful small things that we overlook. For example, how the light hits soap bubble in the sink and creates a rainbow, how dewdrops look on the leaves in the morning, or the sound of a crackling fire. All those small moments that we can stop and anchor ourselves in the moment, adding to our mindfulness, adding to our presence in the moment, and raising our vibration with this gratitude.

Some other ways to raise your vibration is to surround yourself with beautiful nature, such as taking a walk in nature (adding in the exercise piece as well), surround yourself with positive media (TV, books, music, videos) and surrounding ourselves with positive relationships that nurture us. I think that's something that we maybe need to take a look at sometimes is, what are we allowing into our space, what types of media, are we consuming, and raising our vibration by carefully selecting what we're letting in.

Additional ways to raise your vibration include clearing methods such as: Palo Santo or Sage, clearing out physical clutter, or clearing out clutter from your calendar, taking a bath, a shower, or being in natural waters.

Looking at your diet is another great way to raise your vibration. So looking at reducing alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and any of those things that are in the lower vibration and adding in more of those high vibrational foods (fruits and vegetables and things that we know nourish our bodies).

Lastly, looking at the toxins that are we're letting into our life. Are there any areas of our life that we can reduce our toxic load and clean it up a little bit.

I hope that this was helpful for you to learn a little bit more about raising your vibration and hopefully there's some more clarity around what that means. Maybe you can try to incorporate one or more of these ideas into your life now. If there are any other terms that you'd like to see defined more clearly, please let me know!

If you're ready to take a look at your energy, and maybe you needed a little bit of time for yourself ... some clearing out and balancing you can schedule your Reiki appointment yourself right on my website, amandakugler.com.