Be Brave! Follow Your Heart!

Along this journey of life we will be faced with challenges.  Challenges in the form of illness, loss, decisions and expectations.  It is how we respond to these challenges that will define our lives.  

Often in order to make change and live our best lives or to effect a greater change in the world we will need to challenge expectations.  Throughout history those who have had the greatest impact on society have been the ones to challenge expectations ... disrupt the status quo.  Many amazing people have come before us to make way for our current way of life.  In our country we have been especially lucky to have many amazing men and women pave the way for us.

These expectations may also affect your life personally in terms of expectations to act a certain way, live a certain lifestyle or have a certain type of job.  However, I encourage you to listen to the fire within you that is calling out to you to fulfill a purpose.  This may be scary and difficult.  You may feel stuck by circumstance or current societal beliefs.  It may be easier to continue on the current path of your life.  But be sure to ask yourself, "Am I fulfilling my purpose?", "Is there something my heart is yearning for?" 

Many times others are scared of change and things they don't understand yet.  However, can you be the one to educate or inspire others?

When you are ready to say goodbye to this life what is it that you will look back with regret and sadness?  

Is there fire within you?  

Be brave!  Follow your heart!