

We’ve all heard that balance is the key to life. But how the heck do we actually get there??!!

I think I’m realizing it’s not an actual destination but a journey. Life is complicated and we can easily get off track from our goals or priorities.  I suggest a periodic assessment of your priorities and goals.  We all think that we know what our priorities are but we are constantly evolving and so may our goals and priorities.  Once you have an updated priority list you can use these as a scale to help you determine when things are getting out of balance. So once a day/week/month ... whatever feels right for you ... let’s work on a mindful check-in.  Take a few minutes to slow down and think about your current choices, actions, commitments, etc.  As you go through and compare your goals/priority list vs. your current actions/choices list you can ask yourself...

* Are my current actions supporting my goals?

* Are my actions reflecting my priorities?

* If no to either ... what actions can I take to shift the balance back?

So for example ... is work (#5 on priority list) conflicting with your personal health (#1 on priority list)?  What changes could you make to shift back to focusing on what you want your #1 priority to be - personal health?  Not check email after work hours?  Leaving work on time?  

Or ... When you find yourself saying "no" to playing Barbies with your daughter (#2 on priority list) over housework (not even in the top 5 priority list) ... Possibly shifting the focus back on the appropriate priority by taking 10 minutes to play with your daughter before your tackle the sink of dishes!  

What are your top 5 priorities?

Anything actions need to shift to get your priorities back in order?



Live the Example!

Are you living the example you want to set for the next generation?  

Whether you are a parent or not this is an important question for us all.  We all know the famous saying, "Do as I say not as I do".  Also, we know that this saying does not work!  We know from our own childhood and from watching the children around us that children are watching and listening to everything happening around them.  They are learning their values and their role in society with every experience.  

As we move through life I encourage you to think about the impact of your life.  What values are you exemplifying?  Would you hope that your children would follow in your footsteps?  We all with have missteps along the way and that is okay too!  In this we are showing our children that we are human and with that comes moments of fallibility and opportunity for growth.  This is no easy task we are challenged with and we may need to remind ourselves of daily of what truly matters to us.  

So the next time we are neglecting our health or holding back our passions let's ask ourselves, "Would I want this for my children?"


I'd like to pass on the following advice to my children and all children:

*Make your physical/mental/spiritual health and wellbeing a priority.

*Be present in the moment ... don't let the worries of the past or future get in the way of enjoying each present moment.

*Follow your heart not expectations ... defy expectations that conflict with the passion inside you!

*Do what brings you joy, wear what makes you smile and ignore the judgements from the outside.


What example do you want to pass on??