
Manifestation … You are a co-creator of your life!

Key concepts of manifestation:

  • Believe that you have a part in creating your life!  

  • Believe that you are worthy of abundance!

  • Believe that anything is possible!

  • Decide what you want to bring into your life and set the intention (say it, write it, imagine it, feel it)

  • Incorporate gratitude into your life (if we are already grateful for what we have the universe will be more likely to bless us with more.  Manifestation is a delicate balance between being grateful for right where we are at this moment and setting intentions for the future … but not getting stuck in the “I’ll be happy when __” mindset.)

  • Be a vibrational match for the good things you want to see in your life 

(Remember that thoughts and emotions have a vibrational frequency - put out what you want to attract!)

  • Act as if … act as if it is already here … ask yourself, “How would someone who has these things/has this job/etc. act/carry themselves?”

  • Look for signs and take inspired action   

  • Let go of the outcome and trust!

(sometimes the universe has a bigger plan for us or the timing isn’t what we thought it would be)

3 Manifestation Practices you can incorporate into your life:

  1. Get it in writing!

Things are definitely more solidified when written down.  Make sure to write in the present tense (as if it has already come into your life) and express gratitude.  “I am so grateful that I have this new job where I am feeling fulfilled and valued.”

  • Journal

  • Letter from your future self:  write a letter to your present self from the perspective of your future self.  Give yourself the encouragement you need and describe all the wonderful things to come.  

  1. Visualize - Imagery is powerful!

  • Day dream

  • Meditation

  1. Alternative Methods 

  • Vision Board 

Create a visual representation of what you want to manifest.  Add images and words that represent

the actual thing as well as feeling words.  

  • Two cup method

Fill a glass with water that you can drink.  Write your present situation (from a place of gratitude, no negative language) on a sticky note and place on the first glass.  Get a second sticky note and write in present tense language, from a place of gratitude, that which you would like to manifest.  Place this sticky note on a second empty glass.  Sit with this intention and feel the associated feelings as if it were here now.  Then slowly pour the water from the first glass into the second and finally, drink the water while thinking and feeling the intention.  

  • Manifestation box 

Write down in present tense from a place of gratitude that which you’d like to 

manifest on a piece of paper.  Place this piece of paper in a special box and read 

the intention daily.  

Happy Creating!


Affirmations … What are you sending out to the universe?

“Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.” ― Mahatma Gandhi.

As we go through our days we have a running loop of thoughts.  The question is, are these thoughts supporting you or bringing you down?  This is where affirmations come in.

What are affirmations?  Affirmations are positively phrased statements that are reviewed in your mind, stated out loud or written down to reinforce a new belief that you desire to hold about yourself or about the way the world works.  

Affirmations work in two ways.  

First, using affirmations is like a filter for your mindset.   When you affirm something such as, “Everything always works out well for me”, your mind will automatically start to look for evidence to prove this statement.  Unfortunately, it also works the opposite way.  For example, if you are saying to yourself, “This is not my day!”, your mind will have a filter on that looks for the bad parts of your day and you will easily overlook all the good parts of your day.  This also encourages us to interpret all events in a negative way.  There is a quote from Eckhart Tolle that states that it is not what happens to us that causes suffering but the story we tell ourselves about what happened to us.  

Secondly, affirmations work with the laws of energy.  It is scientifically known that thoughts are energy.  When we have a thought we are putting out a certain vibrational frequency depending on the type of thought.  Every thought has an influence on us and everything around us; therefore, we need to be very aware of what it is that we are sending out into the universe. 

We are able to choose one thought over another.  What are you going to choose?  Let’s choose to support ourselves.  Let’s choose to bring in good energy into our lives!

- Amanda 

5 Ways Chakras Can Become Blocked

Just like everything else in life our energetic system also needs balance.  If one or more of our chakras become blocked, our whole energetic system can be out of balance.  This imbalance can result in physical, psychological or emotional difficulties.  But how does this happen?  How do our chakras become blocked?  Here are 5 ways … 

1. Physical Trauma

Our energetic system is what carries the life force energy through our whole body.  Interruption in this system can occur when our physical body is impacted by an illness or injury of any kind.  Although we may have superficially healed from this event, oftentimes there is an underlying memory of this event held within our body.  

2. Emotional Trauma

Emotional trauma can include a range of events ranging from isolated, minor incidents to chronic situations.  We experience events where these emotions may be too much to process all at once and these emotions remain in our body.  Losses that we have endured and violations of our trust can also remain within our body.  Our nervous system can become overwhelmed, triggering our “fight or flight” instinct.  Our physiological mechanisms can help us to function in everyday life by separating us from our trauma.  However, this trauma remains stored in our body resulting in blockages in our energetic system.

3. Longstanding Limiting Beliefs

Beliefs are thoughts that are held to be true.  Limiting beliefs are those negative beliefs we hold as truth regarding ourselves or how the world works that are holding us back from truly loving ourselves and living our best lives.  Over time, the reinforcement of these beliefs can contribute to blockages within the corresponding chakra.

4. Chronic Stress

Today’s modern lifestyle has us conditioned for chronic stress.  Our busyness keeps us operating in the sympathetic nervous system (“fight or flight”) and tension builds in our physical body.  These areas of tension can contribute to blockages within our energy system.  

5. Unhealthy Lifestyle

All of our daily choices can contribute to our overall health.  From our choice of food, to thought patterns, to our environment, to movement and sleep patterns.  Each decision can contribute to the overall health of our energetic system.

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The Chakra System

We are not just a physical body! Just as important as it is to keep our physical body healthy, it is equally important to check in with the health of our energetic system! There are 7 main chakras that make up our energetic system and each one governs the functioning of different physical and emotional areas. Chakra is Sanskrit for “wheel of light”. These energy centers work in partnership with your life force energy (in different traditions named: “Chi”, “ki”, “prana”). The chakras are aligned vertically from the base of the spine to the crown of the head aligning with our body’s endocrine system and nervous system. Each chakra positioned at one of the endocrine glands and running along the vagus nerve (the main component of our parasympathetic nervous system - “rest & digest”). The connection of the chakras with these systems is support of the idea that health is holistic, where the system is working together as a whole to maintain health. When there is a blockage of the energy flow or the particular chakra is under-active or over-active you can see a manifestation in the physical body and/or in our emotional well being.

1st - Root Chakra

Associated Endocrine Gland: Adrenal

Color: Red

Element: Earth

2nd - Sacral Chakra

Associated Endocrine Gland: Ovaries/Testicles

Color: Orange

Element: Water

3rd - Solar Plexus Chakra

Associated Endocrine Gland: Pancreas

Color: Yellow

Element: Fire

4th - Heart Chakra

Associated Endocrine Gland: Thymus

Color: Green

Element: Air

5th - Throat Chakra

Associated Endocrine Gland: Thyroid

Color: Blue

Element: Ether

6th - Third Eye Chakra

Associated Endocrine Gland: Pineal

Color: Indigo

Element: Light

7th - Crown Chakra

Associated Endocrine Gland: Pituitary

Color: Violet

Element: Cosmic Energy/Thought

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